Don't bring me down
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Hiies! Welcome to my blog.Please show love by tagging nice things.
Hiies !歡迎來到我的blog.請在 Give Love 的专栏下給一些意見
Koh Zhi Hui
I am a Cassiopeia!
My name is ZhiHui
I live in Singapore
I study in Orchid Park Secondary
Class 4S1 ('11)
XIAH 시아준수
MICKY 믹키유천
HERO 영웅재중
MAX 최강창민
U-KNOW 유노윤호
❤ I want to go to TVXQ concert
❤ I want to go to Korea
❤ I want to go to Japan
❤ I want to learn Korean
❤ I want to get good marks in school
Give Love
Press TVXQ!to post ur msg.press R if nth comes out!
Write your blessing to TVXQ!~祝福他們~
P.S.Created this on 13 Feb 2010.趕不上允在2010的生日
❤Xiah JunSu❤
The first member to join was Kim Junsu. At the age of 12 he was brought into SM Entertainment through a televised talent search with Moon Hee Jun and Kangta from H.O.T. as judges.
His vocals won over the judges and procured him thorough training for the next six years.
After three years of training, he was supposed to debut, but puberty caused his voice to change and he was unable to sing until it ended after another three years.
After six years, he debuted as Xiah Junsu (Xiah is pronounced Shee-ah in Korean).
Xiah is the stage name that Kim himself chose, explaining to his fans that the name was short for "Asia", as Asia is pronounced "ah-shee-ah" in Korean.
"Xiah" would be an implication of his desire to become not only a star in Korea, but also a star recognized all throughout the continent.
❤U-Know YunHo❤
The group's second member, Jung Yunho, secured his spot in TVXQ through a dance competition in which he won first place.
After his selection he gained some experience in the midst of spotlight by being a rapper and backup dancer for K-pop singer Dana- who is now no longer a solo but a member in The Grace.
As a dancer, he accompanied many Korean singers, traveling to China as well. Jung debuted as U-know Yunho.
His chose his stage name as "U-know" from his Korean name "Yun Ho"; U-Know is pronounced "You know" in English.
However, it is meant to mean "Yunho 'Knows You'" in regard to his understanding of the other members as the leader of TVXQ.
❤Hero JaeJoong❤
Kim Jaejoong left his hometown in Chungnam to audition for SM Entertainment.
Having left the shelter of home, he experienced poverty and strife before becoming a celebrity.
Kim debuted as Youngwoong Jaejoong. Youngwoong is the Korean word for "hero".
His manager picked the name for him because he wanted him to be the hero of the music industry.
Kim took first place in an audition of 5000 people, both in best looking and best vocals.
❤Max ChangMin❤
Shim Changmin was grouped with the youngest participants in the audition.
Like Xiah Junsu, he impressed the judges with his powerful voice.
He joined the group under the name Choikang Changmin.
Choikang in Korean means "Most Powerful", or approximately, "the best"; "Max" became an international rendition of this name.
One year before the group's debut, the final member, Park Yoochun was added.
❤Micky YooChun❤
Park Yoochun grew up in Seoul and immigrated to the United States with his parents when he was in the sixth grade.
He lived in Fairfax, Virginia for roughly four years before he auditioned for Brothers Entertainment and was sent to Korea to SM Entertainment.
Micky was Park's English nickname when he lived in Virginia.
As the winner of a talent show, he was granted the opportunity to sign with SM Entertainment in Korea.
He now performs under the stage name Micky Yoochun.
Stage name: Xiah Junsu (Hangul: 시아준수; Hanja: 細亞俊秀) / Junsu (ジュンス)
Real name: Kim Junsu (Hangul: 김준수; Hanja: 金俊秀)
Legal birthday: January 1, 1987 (1987-01-01)
Real birthday: December 15, 1986 (1986-12-15)
Place of birth: Gyeonggi
◎ 透過Starlight Casting System被發掘
◎ SBS-TV星期六到來 (Kang Ta和文熙俊大對決中 Kang Ta隊的主唱)
Stage name : Micky Yoochun (Hangul: 믹키유천; Hanja: 秘奇有天) / Yuchun (ユチョン)
Real name: Park Yoochun (Hangul: 박유천; Hanja: 朴有天)
Date of birth: June 4, 1986 (1986-06-04)
Place of birth: Seoul {Jongno}
◎ 2001年美洲歌唱大獎 (Virginia)
◎ 2003年KBN青少年歌唱特別獎
Stage name: Youngwoong Jaejoong (Hangul: 영웅재중; Hanja: 英雄在中) / Jejung (ジェジュン)
Birth name: Han Jaejoon (Hangul:한재준; Hanja: 韓在俊)
Adopted name: Kim Jaejoong (Hangul:김재중; Hanja: 金在中) (now his real name)
Date of birth: January 26, 1986 (1986-01-26)
Place of birth: Gongju
◎ 第二屆SM Best選拔大會外貌獎冠軍在中
Stage name : Choikang Changmin (Hangul: 최강창민; Hanja: 最强昌珉) / Changmin (チャンミン)
Real name: Shim Changmin (Hangul: 심창민; Hanja: 沈昌珉)
Date of birth: February 18, 1988 (1988-02-18)
Place of birth: Seoul
◎ 第六屆SM Best選拔大會大獎和歌唱獎冠軍
Stage name : U-know Yunho (Hangul: 유노윤호; Hanja: 瑜鹵允浩) / Yunho (ユンホ)
Real name: Jung Yunho (Hangul: 정윤호; Hanja: 鄭允浩)
Date of birth: February 6, 1986 (1986-02-06)
Place of birth: Gwangju
◎ 第一屆SM Best選拔大會舞蹈獎冠軍
January 2009
February 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
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November 2010
December 2010
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February 2011
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June 2011
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November 2011
December 2011
Thanks to
Designer:LOU ISA
Sunday, November 29, 2009
12:39 AM
轉自 秀吧 (顆粒與傻子) 二轉 大吧 成員們的表情不是很好 五個人互相之間甚至都沒有眼神交流 但是,在今天知道了sm的惡行之後,我能理解成員們這樣的行為 艾回希望能讓東方神起五個人一起站在舞台上,所以拜托了SM公司 但是SM公司提出了以下要求,作為允浩和昌珉一起出席的條件:“只能采訪允浩和昌珉” “不要讓五個人有言語交流” “所有日本的安排都必須有SM相關人員參與” 剛看時看到這個的時候覺得很無奈、很氣憤,還哭了 但是冷靜下來想想,覺得SM簡直就是在自掘墳墓 SM,謝謝,是你讓我看清了一切成員們都希望五個人能一起! 問我怎麼知道這個的?想想吧,五個人要是真的關系不好的話 用不著SM使什麼花招,他們的關系就會破裂, 根本就不需要SM這麼監視著 但是SM卻提出這種條件,用來監視五個人 因為SM最清楚,五個人會再次凝聚團結在一起的 SM現在很不安。 因為SM知道五個人有多珍惜和深愛著彼此 知道這份感情是不會這麼輕易地被破壞掉的 我非常感謝SM這次的行為 讓我下決心一定要相信和支持哥哥們 有很多親都很擔心吧? 只要大家清楚這一點:東方神起是希望五個人在一起的。 還有,我們仙后也是希望五個人在一起的。 請不要動搖! 堅強起來! 只有我們相信他們,他們才會有力量! 我們再堅持一會 哈哈! SME看吧! 真不知你們幹嘛自掘墳墓! 神起之間的感情 AND 神起和仙后的感情 基礎可是打得好得很呢! 送你們兩個字 活該!
Labels: Cassiopeia
12:15 AM
Avex needed Tohoshinki to return Japan for activities urgently, and SME agreed under 3 conditions. Keeping a close watch through out the whole course. There should not be any contact/conversation between HoMin and JaeSuChun. Only HoMin are allow to respond during an interview. On top of that, JaeSuChun were not told of these conditions before and were merely informed of the activities. Source: DNBN + HeyJJ Translation: sshutingg @ OneTVXQ.com Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! } SME你這是幹嘛啊? 夢工廠? 我建議你可以考慮考慮換名字! 你分明是在回了東方神起的夢嘛! 難怪大家都覺得氣氛怪怪的! 原來是你貝戈戈的搞鬼! 告訴你! 仙后不是好惹的! 不要老虎不發威就當他是病貓! 仙后不會放過你的!
Labels: DBSK , THSK , TVXQ
Friday, November 27, 2009
2:45 AM
我期待盼望的合體。 我害怕擔心的合體。 讓我很失望的合體。期待著你們開心的擁抱對方, 盼望著你們故意的逗著俊秀。 期待著你們久違的燦爛笑容,盼望著你們望著對方的眼神。 我希望的是這樣的合體。 害怕著你們之間的感情變了, 擔心著你們不再看著對方了。 害怕著我們東方神起不見了, 擔心著你們不是以前的你們。 我懼怕的是這樣的合體。 我失望的是你們的默契不見了。 我失望的是你們的笑容不見了。 我失望的是你們的互動不見了。 我失望的是你們的活潑不見了。這是令我很失望的合體。 我只能說, 這場我很期待盼望又害怕擔心的合體... 讓我失望了。 我心裡有千百個疑問。 爲什麽?爲什麽事情會變成這樣? 是太過緊張嗎? 還是因爲什麽? 爲什麽每次當我的心情慢慢平靜后, 總是有另一波大浪向我撲過來? 我該怎麼辦? 爲什麽仙后期盼的合體會便成這樣? 如果看到的你們是沉浸在尷尬的氣氛里,那我寧願不要看。 這樣的合體, 你們自己開心嗎? 爲什麽每當我已下定決心要堅強時, 就會再次被重重的打擊? 那我還要繼續學著堅強嗎? 爲什麽這種不幸的事要發生在你們身上? 爲什麽要發身在五個感情如此要好的男生上?爲什麽SME要這樣? 這樣SME你就開心了嗎? 爲什麽? 爲什麽? 爲什麽世界那麼不公平? 但是... 雖然我失望了, 我依然會支持你們。 因為... 我知道, 你們的內心也一定很痛苦。 因為... 你們是東方神起, 所以... 我不會放棄你們。因為你們說 只要相信從你們口中說出的話。 因為你們說 ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH.回到..........................最初。
Labels: 我の心情
Thursday, November 26, 2009
1:30 AM
這是我自己寫的詞(曲是東方神起的STAND BY U) 第一次嘗試寫詞,所以蠻爛的... 我寫的詞: 從我愛上你們的那天起 我許下承諾要永遠的保護著你們 但如今我卻變得那么的軟弱 那些承諾 變成風飄走 每當你們傷心煩惱壓力時 無能的我卻在哭泣 現在的我 還能算是仙后嗎? 看著痛苦的你們我想說 對不起 看到你堅強的為大家笑 而我卻紅了眼眶 你的堅強 讓我很驕傲 聽著你們的美妙歌聲 我很懷念 也很開心 我很無能 但我還在這裡 還在這裡等著你們 不變的想你 只想著你 聽著你們五人的歌聲 再一次的想起你 一整天 滿腦子都是你們 沒有一分一秒不是的 每次扭開電視 總是期待看到你們 期待著會有好消息 說不擔心是騙人的 其實一直都很怕 如果說我懦弱無能的話 我也不在乎了 如果沒有你們 我的世界將會徹底的毀滅 不管多么努力我也不能放開我手上的紅氣球 那是因為 我忘不了你 看著你們的演唱會 我很感動 我很興奮 那是因為 I‘ll Always Keep The Faith 相信還會回到從前 所以我現在還是一直在等待著東方神起 已經不能再承受悲傷了 所以必須堅強 只有堅強著 才能幫助你們 雖然不知還要等到什麼時候 不管發生了什麽 失去了什麽 不會忘記我愛你 不離不棄 永遠在一起 看著你們的微笑 我很滿足 我也微笑了 Always Keep The Faith 我永遠記得 相信著不久後就會回到從前 對你的承諾 我會實現 Always Keep The Faith Hope To The End 原詞:作詞:Shinjiroh Inoue 作曲:UTA・REO 從你不辭而別的那天起
沒有實現 變成了回憶
在妳一人獨自哭泣的時候 如果立刻飛去的話
現在的妳 還會在我身邊嗎
如果可以我想再說一遍 我愛妳
充滿對妳的思念的話語 現在已傳達不到
妳在哪裡 和誰在一起
穿著什麼樣的衣服 在做什麼 在笑著嗎
我在這裡 現在還在這裡
看著扎起頭髮的背影 再一次的想起妳
回頭後 卻是不認識的人 弄錯了不知道多少次
每次收到信息 總是期待著妳的名字
說忘不掉是騙人的 其實是不想忘記
如果說逞強才像我的話 已經不需要了
妳不在了的話 是什麼都感覺不到的幸福
妳在哪裡 和誰在一起
穿著什麼樣的衣服 在做什麼 在笑著嗎
我在這裡 現在還在這裡
只要有妳在 就能看見光芒
不管發生了什麼 失去了什麼
妳在哪裡 和誰在一起
做著什麼樣的夢 在做什麼 是否微笑著
一直在這裡 現在還在這裡
不變的想妳 只想著妳
不變的想妳 只想著妳
君が「サヨナラ」も告げずに出て行ったあの日から この街の景色や匂いが変わった気がするよ 君の全てになりたくて交わした約束も 果たされないまま思い出に変わってしまう ひとりきりで君が泣いたあの時 すぐに飛んで行けば 今もまだ君は僕の横にいてくれた? 出来るならばもう一度言いたかった 「大好き」って... 君への想いも 溢れ出した言葉も 今は届かない 君は何処にいて 誰と何処にいて どんな服を着て 何して笑ってるんだろう? 僕はここにいて 今もここにいて 君とふたりでまた 会えると信じているよ Oh... 変わらず 想っているよ Oh... 君だけ... 想っているよ 結んだ髪の後ろ姿に君を重ねて 振り返る見知らぬ誰かに 何度もガッカリした 着信がある度 君の名前期待したり カッコ悪い毎日ばかり 過ぎていくよ 「忘れられない」のが嘘で 本当は「忘れたくない」だけ “強がり”が僕らしさならば もういらない 君がいなきゃもう二度と感じない 「しあわせ」って... どう頑張ってみても こぼれ落ちた涙は すぐに止まらない 君は何処にいて 誰と何処にいて どんな服を着て 何して笑ってるんだろう? 僕はここにいて 今もここにいて 君とふたりでまた 会えると信じているよ だから今こうして 僕はまたひとり君の名前呼んでる... これ以上 切なさを抱きしめていけるわけなどないよ でもそれしかないんだよ 君がいるだけで 輝いて見えた あの頃は二度と 戻っては来ないけど 何が起こっても 何を失っても 君を愛したこと 決して忘れたくない 君が何処にいて 誰と何処にいて どんな夢を見て 何して笑っていても ずっとここにいて 今もここにいて 君といつの日にか 会えると信じているよ Oh... 変わらず 想っているよ Oh... 君だけ... 想っているよ Oh... 変わらず 想っているよ Oh... 君だけ... 想っているよ
Labels: 我の創作
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
1:28 AM
我真的不想哭, 但... 看到SM對你們的所作所為, 看到你們被逼著分離對方, 看到你們傷心地大掉眼淚, 看到你們為大家勉強微笑, 我發現, 我哭了。 我真的很想要堅強。 堅強的陪你們渡過難關, 堅強的一直保護著你們, 堅強的一直安慰著你們, 堅強的開開心心活下去。 可是... 我發現, 看到現在的你們... 我真的堅強不了。 我真的很想很想幫你們。 幫你們減輕你們所有的壓力, 幫你們回到從前那樣的快樂, 幫你們繼續站在這個大舞臺, 幫你們繼續很勇敢的往前走。 但我發現, 我什麽都不能幫你們... 我唯一能做的就只有默默地在遠處支持你們, 並且永遠永遠的愛著你們也對你們不離不棄。 我真的真的很討厭現在的自己。 我討厭那麼愛哭的自己, 我討厭不堪一擊的自己, 我討厭那麼無能的自己,我討厭討厭自己的自己。 可是...當我想到俊秀, 我不斷告訴自己, 我必須樂觀開心, 我必須喜歡自己。 就是因為你們, 我變成了一個愛哭鬼, 但也因為你們, 我努力的不討厭自己。 因為你們是你們,所以... 我會一直守候你們, 對你們不離不棄的。
Labels: 我の心情
Sunday, November 22, 2009
1:41 AM
TVXQ’s official fanclub, Cassiopeia, has decreased in numbers:
DBSK: 797 821 Big Bang: 378 859 BoA: 342 848 Lee Hyori: 327 160 SNSD: 285 790 SS501: 278 598 Super Junior: 260 156 2PM: 222 090 Shinhwa: 193 974 Rain: 188 387 Se7en: 162 375 Lee Jun Ki: 136 066 Wonder Girls: 112 823 FT Island: 112 213 SHINee: 107 330 Credits: tieba@sweetfig Translations: adie@sweetfig
Labels: BigBang , DBSK , SHINee , THSK , TVXQ
1:22 AM
SME claimed that the three members agreed to this concert back in 2008, implying that the three backed out of their promise with SME and the fans; however, the legal counsel of the three member are claiming that signatures the three members made in the contract for the concert have been signed by someone other than the three members themselves.
The legal counsel says that they have acquired the hand-written statement of a person who claims to have signed the contract without consent of the three members. Apparently in the music industry, when artists are busy the company usually just notifies them of their future schedule and then signs related document for the artists.
Most of the time, this custom is accepted without any complaints from the artist but it has become a trouble because the three members are not in good terms with SME. Legal counsel argues that they were not informed of concert in Shenzen and found out about it during the course of preparation for lawsuit.
Source: Allkpop
Labels: DBSK , SM Entertainment , THSK , TVXQ
1:18 AM
Winners Music Portal Mnet – 2NE1 CGV Popularity Award – Super Junior Overseas Viewer Award – Super Junior Mobile Popularity Award – Super Junior Asian Recommend Award – AKB48 Newcomer (Male) – Supreme Team Newcomer (Female) - 2NE1 Male singer – Drunken Tiger Female singer – Baek Ji Young Male Group – 2PM Female Group – Brown Eyed Girls Mixed Group – 8eight Rock Music Award – BuHwal (생각이나) Hip Hop Group Award – LeeSsang (헤어지지 못하는 여자, 떠나가지 못하는 남자) Ballad/R&B Music Award – Kim TaeWoo (Love Rain) Dance Music Award – KARA (Honey) House & Electronic Music Award – Brown Eyed Girls (Abracadabra) Trot Music Award – Hong JinYeong (Love’s Battery) Best MV – 2NE1 (Fire) MV Director – Hong WonKi Best Asian Composer – Park JinYoung Song of the Year - I Don’t Care (2NE1) Album of the Year – Heartbreaker (G-Dragon) Artist of the Year - 2PM Best Asian Star – DBSK
Labels: DBSK , THSK , TVXQ
12:55 AM
The inaugural MAMA awards might have been over just recently, with the TVXQ trio of Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu making an appearance and receiving the “Best Representative for Asia” award on behalf of TVXQ.
But in a interview with SM Entertainment right after the MAMA was concluded, a representative said that they had no right to do so: “The trio had no right to receive the award on behalf of TVXQ. The awards organizer should give the award to a liaison on behalf of SM Entertainment instead. This is unacceptable since they had only invited the 3 members.” In response, a MNET representative stated: “We invited all 5 TVXQ members to the MAMA awards ceremony beforehand. But only the trio responded to our request while the other two did not. We don’t see any problems with the trio receiving the award on behalf of the whole group.” Source: Allkpop
Labels: DBSK , THSK , TVXQ
Sunday, November 15, 2009
10:57 PM
'TVXQ...' Andy's Advice
“Leaving the company is the 2nd trial which harder from than debut time”
“It will be hard like having to debut once again” Andy, member of an idol group, Shinhwa with the longest career, who is in the middle of his solo activities, revealed his “personal opinion” about TVXQ’s situation which is a hot issue in the K-pop world. Andy who debuted in 1999 under the same company as TVXQ, SM Entertainment, as Shinhwa, gained lots of popularity. But as soon as the exclusive contract was over, he and the rest of the members had to move to another entertainment company and continuously did activities with passion.
Recently, in the interview with Sports Dong-A , Andy cautiously stated “ I sincerely would like TVXQ and their fans who’ve been with them since the beginning to get back together and continue their activities.” and “They should know that if they find another way, they have to start all over again.”
The days after leaving Shinhwa’s debut company, Andy says, “It was a great difficulty” and stressed “They should know that when they leave their debut company, it takes more effort and it is two – three times harder than when they first debuted.”
While Shinhwa’s group activity is on hold due to its members on army service, Andy has continued with his solo activities and scouted new singers and has turned into a CD producer. In his own company, he has assembled a casting team, and together w/(casting team) has been searching for new entertainers/trainees.
Because of this, Andy is looking at the music industry as a producer. With his experience, he added, “Idol groups that gained popularity quickly thinks that their efforts are what’s important, but thinking that it is dangerous.”, “You must acknowledge the fact that the company has capabilities, and talent.”
Source: donga.com Translations: ndy @ OneTVXQ
Labels: DBSK , Shinwa , THSK , TVXQ
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
8:31 PM
Cassiopeia With TVXQ - Love Melody (Letter From Cassiopeia) (Touching T.T)
Album Title: LOVE MELODY Composition: EH Words: EH Vocal: YR, JI, HN, MJ, EH Tracks: 1.LOVE MELODY (Feat.EH) 2.LOVE MELODY (Feat.EH) (inst) Eng Sub Five stars whispers to us We will be together forever Only one forever of course oh And the last word I love you forever Now let’s start our melody I didn’t believe I would love at first sight Before I met you But love comes so suddenly Now I can’t live without you Even for one day If you’re tired Come listen to our song All your pain will be gone Show our smile and hope everyday Aren’t we really cute? If you feel sad we feel it twice If you have happiness We have three times as much as you Do you know our pure hearts? Hopes to send our voice to you Show our smile and hope everyday Show you our song LOVE MELODY Red balloons will be together forever We exist all for you Sing on the stage forever Star song just for us Don’t forget our important memory Remember forever our precious melody Red starlight sings together Saranghaeyo The melody warms our heart We will support you forever Because ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH We believe you Show our smile and hope everyday Aren’t we really cute?Omomomo... This is so touching T.T. PROUD to be Cassiopeia. PROUD to LOVE TVXQ. "If you feel sad, we feel it twice. If you have happiness, we have three times as much as you" LOVE THIS! Members of Cassiopeia have produced a single entitled LOVE MELODY Letters from Cassiopeia. The title track of this single is called LOVE MELODY. Uniquely, this single is available for purchase. The proceeds from the sales of the single will be given to charity. Every single step in the arrangement of the music, to the writing of lyrics, to the production of the single, it was all made by Cassiopeia. So now, they are moving on to working on a proper album that will be given to TVXQ. CREDITS: SHINeeYAZZ http://ecaisme.blogspot.com/2009/10/im-back-cassiopeia-love-melody-lyric.html
Labels: Cassiopeia , DBSK , THSK , TVXQ
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
9:50 PM
Cassiopeia Releases Statement About SME's Allegations Members of the Korean Cassiopeia , TVXQ/DBSK 's official fanclub, have released their official statement regarding SM Entertainment 's press conference regarding legal dispute involving DBSK which took place yesterday. Here is the translated version of their statement:
We 800,000 Cassiopeians would like to announce our official view in this statement. With accusations and allegations flying everywhere, we announce this in order to show the fanclub's official standing on this matter. This statement is made by union of numerous DBSK fan cafes and we present this in the name of Cassiopeia. First of all, we would like to say that, as fans of DBSK, we support DBSK and will not do anything to betray their trust in us. We will not trust anything besides words that come out of the DBSK members' mouths, and we ask SME to stop actions that are intended to confuse and divide the fans. We Cassiopeians are very disappointed in SME for holding press conference and releasing signed documents in the name of Yunho and Changmin. As the management company of DBSK, SME must not forget their job and must stop their actions intended to defame the members of DBSK and break the group apart. Also, according the the court ruling made on the 27th, SME must not make deals with third parties in the name of the three members and cannot interfere with individual works or those members . Please keep the court's order. To everyone who is reading this statement, please remember: the members did not take legal actions because of the issues regarding the cosmetics business. They started this lawsuit because of illegal contract length of 13 years. We fans do not understand why SME is silent about the issue of the contract length and is trying to focus everyone's attention on the cosmetics fiasco. The goal of this lawsuit was to nullify or edit contract between SME and the three members, and we believe that they did not intend to end DBSK or move onto another management company. Also, we would like to address to reporters who sensationalize and create rumours related to this press conference. Please be careful with your sources. We would like to ask SME one more time to not make the three members' reputation and rights suffer with claims that have never been proven, and we would like to ask the citizens of Korea to stop creating rumours and defame DBSK. We would like to show our condolences toward this controversy. As Cassiopeians, the fans of DBSK, we will keep our attention focused to the future actions of DBSK and SME. We will continue to side with DBSK. DBSK and fans never doubt. -- November 2nd, 2009, Cassiopeia, the fanclub of DBSK Source: allkpop
Labels: Cassiopeia , DBSK , SM Entertainment , THSK , TVXQ
9:48 PM
SHINee Says SM is a Family
SHINee, who recently returned with their 3rd mini-album 2009, Year Of Us and title track Ring Ding Dong, has spoken up on behalf of SM Entertainment.
Joynews24 had conducted an interview with the members of SHINee and asked if they knew about them being called the “puppets” of SME.
SHINee responded with a resounding statement:
That’s prejudice against SM Entertainment. SME gives us a lot of say and freedom. Even during our album preparations, they ask us for our opinions. The albums are released under our name and thus it is our music. The public appear to have a predjudice against idols. Just like how the same song, Chocolate Love, can be presented differently by two different groups, SNSD and f(x), we have our own opinion and own colour. The company supports us, no doubt. However, being forced to do something does not and should not happen.
SME helped us a lot in the beginning as we didn’t really know what to do. But as we gained more experience, we start to express our opinions. The company reflects our opinions on many things such as the lyrics, pairing of members and our style. Without such supportive environment, we won’t be able to sing our songs like we sing them now.
They also expressed their pride in their company:
SME listens to the artists’ opinions and everyone is close, unlike other entertainment companies. Everyone respects each other and supports each other, just like you can see in Dream Concert or SM Concert. Artists of SME are trained well from the beginning to the point where people say that SME’s artists are very well mannered.
Regarding f(x), a recent rookie group that debuted from SME, SHINee said:
We’ve seen them since they were trainees but didn’t expect them to debut so quickly. Did not think Sulli would be so tall and beautiful, haha. Now we know what it feels like to have juniors, and we can see why groups that are senior to us have been so nice and caring to us. We’re following the tradition by giving lots of advice to f(x).
Source: allkpop.com Kpop jjang
Labels: f(x) , SHINee , SM Entertainment
Monday, November 2, 2009
9:09 PM
SM is Sure of Overruling Court Decision on TVXQ
Talent powerhouse SM Entertainment has vowed to fight back and win against a court ruling last week which granted three members of boy band TVXQ partial victory in their request to nullify their exclusive contract with the agency.
In late July, TVXQ members Hero Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu had applied for provisional disposition of their 13-year contract with SM to which a court ruled that the agency will not interfere in their individual activities. “The recent decision has not taken the essential reasons and fundamental of the issue in to consideration,” SM started by saying in a press release on Monday. “We are sure that the court’s decision will change once we provide enough evidence which are looked into under the proper legal proceedings.”
SM also declared that they will ask the three for compensation amounting to over a total 2.5 million dollars for the losses and damage incurred upon the group and the agency with the ongoing legal action, should the court rule in favor of SM in its final verdict.
They went on to explain that the terms of the contracts had been adjusted every year in favor of the members and are now asking to be freed from them since they are starting to see success.
“This ruling will cause confusion in the entire entertainment industry and make it impossible to create a system where (agencies) will be able to upbring their stars with long-term prospects,” SM added.
The statement came just hours before a news conference set for later in the day where they plan to talk about their position in more detail.
TVXQ, who debuted in 2004 with album “Hug”, is one of Korea’s most successful K-pop groups. They are stars throughout Asia, reportedly having the largest fanbase in the world, and have enjoyed great success in the Japanese music industry in particular.
Source: asiae.co.kr
Labels: DBSK , THSK , TVXQ
5:12 PM
TVXQ Not Allow To Continue Group Activities.
SM Entertainment will have a press conference today regarding the conflict with TVXQ.
Lawyers of SM Entertainment said:
“The court’s ruling for TVXQ is not fair. They didn’t consider the main reasons of the case. Their long contract is so that we can let them grow and have a long term deal with them. We want to look at their career in the long run and the court’s decision is not letting us do that. This is going to affect TVXQ’s international promotions. It’ll also create confusion for stars that want to have long term contracts and move on to bigger things later in their careers and for the companies that want to nurture talented people for a longer time. Not only that, it’ll have some unwanted consequences on exports of Korean music as well as other issues.”
They continued to say:
“Each year, we adjusted the contracts in favor of the members. Before this problem, the three members never complained about anything. Now that they have succeeded this much, they are complaining. They have just started to reach the top and now want to separate. Before a final decision is made, the three can do their personal and individual work. However, we do not acknowledge the right for the three to work as TVXQ”
Because of all this, TVXQ has not been able to work and SM Entertainment will seek to receive compensation for damages during the time that TVXQ has been inactive.
Stay tuned for more information from the press conference .
Source: The Star Chosun + allkpop
Labels: DBSK , THSK , TVXQ
4:46 PM
Changmin and Yunho Support SM. Yunho and Changmin of DBSK/TVXQ have stated that they are on SM Entertainment’s side on the legal dispute between the company and other three members. They said that they trust SME and will be with them in the future. The two also gave a deadline to other members, saying that DBSK will come back to promote in Korea next spring, so the other three members must make a decision before the 12th of this month. The two members’ thoughts were delivered through a compiled document, which stated: We five members of DBSK signed the same contract with the same clauses and for the past five years, and have worked together under same conditions with utmost trust in the company, each other and our dreams. We intend to share our dream and future with the company and keep the promises we made in the contract. DBSK was made by SM and we intend to work as DBSK with SM. No other company can create DBSK, as only SM can provide the best production and management team available. The three members must know better than anyone else that SM is the one who knows DBSK the best and made DBSK the best. We intend to keep trust and promise and thus intend on staying with SME. DBSK’s grand future will be with SME. We believe that our Korean promotion, planned for next spring, should be prepared at least six months in advance before our future as one DBSK becomes unclear. If the other three members truly want to stay as one DBSK, they must make a decision before it is too late. They also commented on the beauty product controversy which sparked this legal dispute: The beauty product business changed everything,” they stated, “We are not familiar with the matters but we believe that a legitimate company that seeks to do business with DBSK must consult with SM first. It is common sense. We did not get involved as getting involved with a company that sought to do business without SM would have meant that trouble was ahead. We did not want the reputation and pride of DBSK, earned by our hard work, to get ruined by a beauty product company that did not work in a legally respectable manner. We are not aware of the contract between that company and the three members, nor do we know what those members were told or how much they have earned through their deal. What we do know is that the fact that DBSK, forged together for 5 years by all of our dreams, have fallen into the current state because of an unethical company is simply unacceptable. DBSK crumbling away like this, this is all so unbelievable. It is sad to see that this was all caused by some beauty product company, and we hope that the three members would come back to the days when we were all working hard for our dreams. Credit: delacroix@allkpop Never forget: ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH
Labels: DBSK , THSK , TVXQ